Hello! And welcome to Anamartel.com at the time of writing this blurb I’m a twenty-something french-based blogger with a penchant for Panda GIFS and cute cat videos. There isn’t much more to know, but I guess I can’t wrap up an ‘About Me’ section in two short sentences now, can I?
Those two loves aside, I’m also a fan of minimalist makeup, minimalism in general, monochrome and interior design. I've created my first blog in 2012 it was only-a-beauty-addict and then it became HeyClari.com in 2015 for three beautiful years, this is still HeyClari.com but with a new name who works better for me now and my age. AnaMartel is a mixture of beauty, lifestyle, fashion, home decor, post. I really wanted to start in 2018 with the feeling of having a new blog that's why everything has changed here. Maybe I will do some youtube videos, who knows because filming is still one of my main passion.
I like red lip from time to time (Nars velvet matte lip pencil in Cruella and Rimmel Liquid lipstick in fire starter are my favourites) and would quite happily spend the rest of my life in jeans and converse and with my straight fringe. I think that wraps up everything you need to know. Enjoy!