Bold eyes or nude eyes that's the question, and here we are for this reason. Everyone have a different make-up style, some people are bold on the eyes, nude on the lips and some people are nude on eyes and bold on lips and a little percentage are both.
Yeux colorés ou yeux neutres, c'est la question et nous sommes là pour y répondre. Tout le monde à des styles différents de style de maquillage, certains sont plus colorés sur les yeux, neutres sur les lèvres et d'autres sont neutres sur les yeux et colorés sur les lèvres et parfois un petit pourcentage font les deux.
But when you're not a make-up artist or a make-up lover how to choose what you love and what you need ? Sometimes bold doesn't work with your job even if you really love the look. Today i was into this idea to share with you what i think about my current two favorites palette, a nude one and a bold one. If you want to start with a bold or a nude palette it's probably the best way to start. the first one is the nude and lovely Lorac pro 1, if i have to choose for pigmentation, packaging and quality of shadow this one would be THE ONE. And the second one is the Vice 4 palette by Urban Decay, every-year came in the market a Vice palette, and every-year you have a beautiful bold palette, all the vice palette are good but the 4 particularly!
Mais quand on est pas maquilleuse artistique ou junkie du maquillage, comment choisir, qu'est-ce que l'on aime et ce dont on a besoin? parfois le coloré ne marche pas avec son travail même si vous aimez le style. Aujourd'hui j'étais dans cette idée de partager avec vous mes deux palettes favorites du moments une neutre et une coloré. Si vous voulez commencer avec des tons neutres ou des tons colorés c'est probablement le meilleur moyen de commencer. La première la Lorac Pro, si je devais choisir pour la pigmentation, le packaging, et la qualité des fards ce serait celle-ci. La seconde est la Vice 4 de Urban Decay, chaque année arrive sur le marché une palette Vice et tous les ans on a une magnifique palette colorée, toutes les vices sont bien mais particulièrement la 4.
First we need to talk about the Lorac Pro 1, the shadows are smooth and really easy to blend you have the perfect of mattes shadows and shimmery shadows, you can do a smokey to a natural look for a every-day basic make-up here are the swatches.
Premièrement parlons de la Lorac Pro 1, les ombres sont douces et vraiment facile à estomper, on a une parfaite combinaison entre fards mattes et fards "brillants". Vous pouvez faire un smokey a un look neutre pour un maquillage de tous les jours. Maintenant les swatches.
The Vice 4 is a beautiful bold make-up as regularly with Urban Decay the packaging is absolutely STUNNING and the pouch is perfect of an iPad Mini by the way. i adore the spidery holographic detail on the packaging it's make it a little bit more special and more limited edition. As you probably know if you have Urban Decay palette you know than shadows are smooth and pigmented, with a negative point a little bit of fall out, but isn't so bad because of pigmentation of shadows. you have a little selection of nude for sometime having a natural look of just for blending the bold colors (because if you're not a proper MUA it's sometimes can be hard to not blend with a transition shades) a nice variety of green, blue, pink and coppery shades are available too which is make the palette more easy to use for your looks, because of the quality of shadows you can use them wet (NOT WITH WATER ! just with a setting spray like the lovely M.A.C Fix Plus) for having more pigmented shadows or just for using them as an BOLD eye-liner. here are the swatches.
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